Media Discourse Foresight Guide - Launch Event
Join us for the launch of this guide to using media discourses for understanding and exploring the future of our democracies.
Media Discourse Foresight Guide - Launch Event
Media Discourse Foresight Guide - Available now!
From Signals to Scenarios: What can media discourses tell us about the future of our democracies?
D1.1 Conceptual Framework
EUARENAS 2nd Project Workshop
From Signals to Scenarios: Stories about how society & democracy could be
Discussing Media Use in a Peripheral Town in Eastern Finland
WP3: Proposal of Case Studies
WP5: Media Discourses and Foresight Training Workshop
WP1: Workshop 2
WP1: 1 workshop on "Deliberative participation and policy making in the political context"
Online Kick-off
The New European Bauhaus Initiative