Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bürkner is a Professor Emeritus of Economic and Social Geography at the University of Potsdam. His past involvement in the FP 7 projects EUBORDERREGIONS and EUBORDERSCAPES entailed a focus on the changing significance of internal and external borders of the EU for social and spatial inequality. In particular, he analysed the EU’s political referencing of equality and intersectionality issues. Recent studies on postgrowth communities and shifting work cultures involved new research perspectives on situated innovation and local emancipation.
Dr. Sandra Geelhoed, Netherlands Scientific Advisory Board Member, has worked extensively on topics related to social change, social imaginaries and collective memory. She lectures at the Amsterdam School of Arts and at the Utrecht School of Social Work. Sandra is involved as a researcher in Horizon 2020 projects on social innovation (InnoSI) and on cocreation (CoSIE). She is currently leading a major research project on narratives and policymaking in the Netherlands. More generally she is interested in the arts, narratives and social movements.
Dr. Filippo Celata, Associate Professor, La Sapienza-University of Rome, Italy, is specialised in territorial governance issues, European social sustainability and community-based development. He has also been involved in the study of urban politics and governance innovation the local level. He has also been scientific responsible in two European research projects (Euborderregions, and TESS), and is currently principal investigator and coordinator of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN 2017) The short-term city: digital platforms and spatial (in)justice.
Prof. Dr. Luiza Bialasiewicz is a political geographer and Chair of European Governance at the University of Amsterdam, where she also co-directs the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES). Since 2013, she is permanent Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Natolin where she teaches an annual course on ‘European Geopolitics’. Her own research examines the intersections between geopolitics and domestic politics, with particular attention to questions of borders and migration. She is one of the editors of Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, a journal of critical and heterodox research into the relations between the political and the spatial.