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WP3: Case Studies


The main aim of WP3 is to investigate recent experiments in democratic governance at the local level in order to address the need for creation of arenas open to citizens which are conducive to collective decisions made through public deliberation. 

The general objectives of WP3:

  • Gathering existing evidence of urban experiments with new forms of participatory and deliberative democracy.

  • Development of local knowledge on citizen-based models for addressing governance gaps, threats of populism and/or challenges of urban transition. 

  • Evaluation of transferability of successful experiments among different social, economic and environmental milieus and political contexts

Research questions:


How do local democratic governance experiments emerge and to what extent they are the product of learning from other local governance contexts?


What concrete agendas, actor constellations and strategies characterise these governance experiments?


Which are the key drivers (economic, political and cultural) that influence or bias local outcomes of democratic governance experiments?


What is the potential of change/adaptation of the experiments to the changing conditions?


Which factors determine the effectiveness and impact of governance experiments?


Which governance practices and institutional arrangements best facilitate citizen engagement and co-governance and democratize the local governance?


How do these experiments relate with regional, national and supranational levels?


How universal for implementation in other places and to other levels of governance successful local governance innovations can be?



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D3.2 Mid-term Report

Dive into 11 case studies and listen to citizen's experience with their local participatory processes.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 959420.

© 2023 by University of Eastern Finland

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