WP4: Piloting
1. Main goals:
Innovation: EUARENAS pilots are engaged to find new solutions on an existing or new local problem in the pilot cities;
Knowledge development for replication: EUARENAS pilots will produce and exchange knowledge in close interaction with the other work packages of the project;
Increasing urban sustainability: the local solutions are taking into account the conditions of local sustainability.
2. Main activities:
Development of innovation: the aim is to develop an innovation or a product, and not only to test or implement a pre-developed solution – based on the EUARENAS toolkit, the EUARENAS pilots will be combine existing and newly created tools.
Co-creation : co-creation is the core element of the topics to be raised in the EUARENAS pilots
Iteration between activities: the design thinking method to be the used in EUARENAS living labs is itself based on the principle of testing and reiteration of the pilot prototype
3. Participants:
Users, private actors, public actors, and knowledge institutes
Decision power
4. Real-life use context:
The living lab activities are enacted in a real-life use context.
A research and permanent monitoring of the experimental tools of participation on the local level and creation of a toolbox of local deliberative and participatory methods.
Coordinating 4 pilot projects in 4 urban neighborhoods in close cooperation with the local authorities and stakeholders, where selected tools are tested and implemented.
Supporting the exchange and learning between the 4 cities
Analysing the conditions of transferability of participatory and deliberative democracy tools between different local environments.
Division of Work and Interconnections
WP2 : Methods, Ethics and Methodological Development
D2.2 Methodological protocol EUARMP (Month 12) – 4.1. Tool box (M12) draft of experimental participatory methods
D2.3 : Analysis Template [M36] – contribution with the results achieved so far (pilots and their impact assessed by the cities ) : 4.2. Evaluation and monitoring of pilot actions (M30)
WP3: Case Studies
D3.1 Initial Report summarizing the review of existing forms of local democratic governance and containing a final list of selected case studies – 4.1. Tool box draft
D3.3. Case Studies Report providing the cross-case analysis (Month 36) – contribution with the results of the pilots : 4.2. Evaluation and monitoring of pilot actions (M30)
WP5: Foresight
D5.2 / Using Lived Experience for Foresight Guide - A practical methodological guide to using citizen’s lived experience as signals for future trends. (Month 15) – collaborating with this activity will support WP4 in the ideation of the action to be undertaken
D5.4 / Future Scenarios Report - A report combining the data analysis from the work package to produce future scenarios in the field of deliberative and participatory democracies. (Month 30) – this will contribute to the evaluation and monitoring of actions, and the evaluation of the final prototypes prepared under WP4 : 4.2. Evaluation and monitoring of pilot actions (M30) and after
WP7: Policy and Change-making tools
D7.1 Toolbox for Case Studies (Month 12) – 4.1 Tool box draft
D7.3 Policy Brief 1(Months 24) – with the main recommendations achieved so far
D7.5 Policy Brief 2 (Month 30) – the results of the pilots D 4.2. Evaluation and monitoring report on the pilot actions
D7.6 Change-making Tools (Month 36) - D 4.4 Revised Tool Box of Experimental Participatory Methods (M40)
D7.7 Policy Brief 3 (Month 40) – Final report of piloting
D7.8 Policy Conference (Month 40) - final report on piloting
WP8: Impact
D8.1 Analysis of the status-quo and the main characteristics of the territory (Month 12) – working with pilot cities
D8.2 EUARENAS index (EUARI). (Month 12) – 4.1. Tool box draft
D8.3 Monitoring report of the activities (Month 24) – Contribute to the monitoring of the prototype with external tools and indicators
D8.4 : Direct/Indirect Outcome Report [36] : Contribute to co-evaluation of pilots (M30-34)
D 4.1. Toolbox of experimental participatory methods (Month 12)
D 4.2. Evaluation and monitoring report on the pilot actions (Month 30)
D 4.3. Final pilots report (adaptability of experimental tools of participation based on action research) (Month 40)
D 4.4 Revised Tool Box of Experimental Participatory Methods (Month 40)
Living Labs
1. Main goals
Innovation: EUARENAS pilots are engaged to find new solutions on an existing or new local problem in the pilot cities;
Knowledge development for replication: EUARENAS pilots will produce and exchange knowledge in close interaction with the other work packages of the project;
Increasing urban sustainability: the local solutions are taking into account the conditions of local sustainability.
2. The main activities :
Development of innovation: the aim is to develop an innovation or a product, and not only to test or implement a pre-developed solution – based on the EUARENAS toolkit, the EUARENAS pilots will be combine existing and newly created tools.
Co-creation : co-creation is the core element of the topics to be raised in the EUARENAS pilots
Iteration between activities: the design thinking method to be the used in EUARENAS living labs is itself based on the principle of testing and reiteration of the pilot prototype
3. The participants are:
Users, private actors, public actors, and knowledge institutes
Decision power
4. Real-life use context:
The living lab activities are enacted in a real-life use context.